Short Names
Long Names
Short Names
Long Names
# | English | Hadiyissa |
0 | am | Dara |
1 | pm | Marro' |
# | English | Hadiyissa |
0 | Currency symbol | $ |
1 | Int'l Currency symbol | ETB |
2 | Currency separator | . |
3 | Currency name | Diinate |
The $ symbol with two verticals bars is the preferred.
# | English | Pattern | Example |
0 | Full Time | h:mm:ss a | 7:49:02 Marro' |
1 | Long Time | h:mm:ss a | 7:49:02 Marro' |
2 | Medium Time | h:mm:ss a | 7:49:02 Marro' |
3 | Short Time | HH:mm a | 7:49 Marro' |
4 | Full Date | EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy | Kacha, Oritto 26, 2001 |
5 | Long Date | dd MMMM yyyy | 26 Oritto 2001 |
6 | Medium Date | dd-MMM-yy | 26-ORI-01 |
7 | Short Date | dd/MM/yy | 26/01/01 |
8 | Date-Time pattern. {0} = time, {1} = date |
{1} {0} | 26/01/01 7:49 Marro' |
# | English | Hadiyissa |
1 | BC | HD |
2 | AD | ID |
HD = Haaffixxi Doolle
ID = Ito'i Doolle
# | Name | UTF8 |
0 | Decimal Separator | . |
1 | Grouping Separator | , |
2 | Pattern Separator | ; |
3 | Percent | % |
4 | Zero Digit | 0 |
5 | Digit | # |
6 | Minus Sign | - |
7 | Exponential | E |
8 | PerMill [/1000] | ‰ |
9 | Infinity | ∞ |
10 | Not a number | � |
# | Name | UTF8 | Positive | Negative |
0 | Decimal Pattern | #,##0.### | 1,234.567 | -1,234.567 |
1 | Currency Pattern | ¤#,#0.00 | $1,234.57 | -$1,234.57 |
2 | Percent Pattern | #,##0% | 123,4.567 | -1234,567 |
3 | Scientific Pattern |
First day of the week: 1 = Sunday = Sanbbattaa Minimal Days in First Week: 1 |
# | Canonical | Normal Name | Normal Abbrew | Summer/DST Name | Summer/DST Abbrev | Example City | Raw Offset |
0 | Africa/AddisAbaba | EAT | Finfinnee |
# | |
Canonical | Hadiyissa |
ISO-639 (English) |
Hadiyissa |
ISO-639-2 | DR |
ISO-639-3 | DRS |
# | UTF8 |
Canonical | To'pe'e |
IS0-3166 | ETHIOPIA |
ISO-3166-A2 | et |
ISO-3166-A3 | eth |
ISO-3166-No | 231 |
# | English | Hadiyissa |
0 | Mr | Gedubicho |
1 | Mrs | Edayiche |
2 | Miss | Bajjame |
3 | Ms |
# | English | Hadiyissa |
0 | no | ihhoyyo |
1 | yes | oyya |